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Product Code: ICAL08_M402

Femtosecond Laser System Integration and Application Development
Glenn Simenson, Electro Scientific Industries; Portland OR USA
Robert Hainsey, Electro Scientific Industries; Portland OR USA
David Barsic, Electro Scientific Industries; Portland OR USA
Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
Leo Baldwin, Electro Scientific Industries; Portland OR USA
Robert Braunschweig, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
Presented at ICALEO 2008

Femtosecond laser technology continues to evolve and mature. Today, one can find production quality lasers operating with repetition rates in the 10's of kHz producing several Watts of power with beam quality suitable for precision micromachining applications. We will review the integration of one such laser into a production-worthy micromachining platform and discuss the processing results obtained in emerging applications. This paper will highlight the migration of femtosecond lasers from laboratory tools towards production and practical applications.

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