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Product Code: ICAL08_M904

Excimer Laser Annealing of Zno Nanoparticles for Thin Film Transistor Fabrication
Heng Pan, University of California - Berkeley; Berkeley CA USA
Nipun Misra, University of California - Berkeley; Berkeley CA USA
Seung H. Ko, University of California - Berkeley; Berkeley CA USA
Costas P. Grigoropoulos, University of California - Berkeley; Berkeley CA USA
Presented at ICALEO 2008

Zinc oxide nanoparticle solutions have been considered promising for realizing low cost printable high performance flexible electronics. Solution deposited and laser annealed zinc oxide nanoparticle thin film field effect transistors have been fabricated without using conventional vacuum or any high temperature thermal annealing processes The transistors showed n-type accumulation mode behavior with mobility greater than 0.1 cm2/V-s and current on/off ratios of more than 104. Optimization and control of the laser processing parameters minimized thermal impact on the substrate. This technique is beneficial to the fabrication of high performance electronics on heat sensitive flexible plastic substrates using low-cost, large-area solution processing combined with direct printing techniques.

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