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Product Code: ICAL09_M504

Laser Processing of Preplaced Hydroxyapatite on Electron Beam Melted Titanium Alloy
Shiva Gadag, Rcam-Smu; Dallas TX USA
Ehsan Foroozmehr, Southern Methodist University; Dallas TX USA
Soundarapandian Santhanakrishnan, Rcam-Smu; Dallas TX USA
Gilbert Chahine, Rcam-Smu; Dallas TX USA
Radovan Kovacevic, Rcam-Smu; Dallas TX USA
Presented at ICALEO 2009

Laser processing of nanoparticles of Hydroxyapatite (HAP) deposited on electron beam melted (EBM) titanium alloy is investigated. CW high power diode lasers for surface alloying as well as nanosecond Q switched pulsed Green and UV lasers are used to assess their suitability for biomedical dental implants. The HAP biomaterial preplaced by spray deposition on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is undertaken using two types of high power diode lasers (HPDL). A continuous wave, top hat profile, rectangular broad beam of the high power direct diode laser (HPDL) and continuous Fiber Coupled Diode Laser (FCDL) are used for surface deposition of HAP on Ti64 alloy which was prepared by EBM process. The effect of 2kW broad beam direct diode laser and 1 kW Gaussian profile, circular beam, FC diode laser on the deposition, surface topography, homogeneity, microhardness, residual stress and microstructure of the nanostructure particles embedded in Ti-64 alloy matrix is systematically studied. The craters formed by drilling an array of holes during laser micromachining and texturing of HAP deposited by HPDL on Ti substrate is numerically simulated. The purpose of laser micro texturing is to homogenization of the HAP, uniform distribution of the nanoparticles, creation of craters and dimples for bone tissue growth and penetration

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