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Product Code: ICA10_M1002

Transmission Welding of Glasses by Femtosecond Laser: Structural and Mechanical Properties
Panjawat Kongsuwan, Columbia University; Elmhurst NY USA
Y. Lawrence Yao, Columbia University; New York NY USA
Presented at ICALEO 2010

Femtosecond laser pulses were focused on the interface of two glass specimens. Proper use of optical and laser processing parameters enables transmission welding. The morphology of the weld cross section was studied using differential interference contrast optical microscopy. The changes in mechanical properties of the weld seams were studied through spatially resolved nanoindentation, and indentation fracture analysis was used to investigate the strength of the weld seams. In addition, a numerical model was developed to predict the absorption volumes of femtosecond laser pulses inside a transparent material. The model takes into account the temporal and spatial characteristics and propagation properties of the laser beam, and the transmission welding widths were subsequently compared with the absorption widths predicted by the model.

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