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Product Code: ICA11_708

A CFD Model of Laser Cladding: From Deposition Head to Melt Pool Dynamics
Juansethi Ibarra-Medina, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
Michael Vogel, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
Andrew J Pinkerton, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
Presented at ICALEO 2011

The laser metal deposition process continues to receive attention from researchers and industry due to its unique capabilities in applications such as surface coating or rapid manufacture. The development of numerical models has proven useful for improving the process. But nonetheless, most models have focused on analysing individual stages of the deposition process, and have required the introduction of a number of assumptions at their limits.
This paper describes a complete CFD model that, starting from particles in the deposition head, simulates all interactions that govern the dynamics of a deposition melt pool. Individual phenomena that are included in the gas-phase stage of the model include the ricocheting of particles within the head, the flow of powder particles and their interaction with the laser, attenuation and powder catchment/bouncing. Phenomena in the liquid phase (melt pool) stage of the model include surface-dependent laser absorption, particle momentum and enthalpy effects, buoyancy, temperature-dependant material properties and Marangoni forces.
The model is demonstrated using the actual geometry and gas flows found in a typical coaxial nozzle. The method, using a single technique to capture all phenomena, allows simulation of the melt pool dynamics from input parameters with far fewer assumptions required than previous, linked models.

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