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Product Code: ICA12_M306

Increasing the Productivity of Femtosecond Laser Using Spatial Light Modulator
Petri Laakso, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; Lappeenranta Finland
Martti Silvennoinen, Univ. of Eastern Finland; Joensuu Finland
Raimo Penttilä, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; Lappeenranta Finland
Jarno Kaakkunen, Univ. of Eastern Finland; Joensuu Finland
Kimmo PäIväsaari, Univ. of Eastern Finland; Joensuu Finland
Ilkka Vanttaja, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; Lappeenranta Finland
Presented at ICALEO 2012

Spatial light modulator can be used to split the beam
into several beams. Using this kind of approach one
can utilize most of the laser power from the fs laser.
Typically most of the power from fs laser has to be
attenuated to be able to machine material in the gentle
ablation regime. This regime will give the best quality
but will take more time in processing. If multiple spots
can be utilized the speed of processing can be
multiplied. In this paper we demonstrate the usage of
SLM together with scanhead to speed up the process.
Processing speed is compared to the normal single spot
processing. Quality of the processing is compared
between techniques and is also evaluated using SEM
and white light interferometer.

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