Hardcopy Version
The ANSI Z136.4 (2021) - Recommended Practice for Laser Safety Measurements for Classification and Hazard Evaluation is the recommended practice providing practical guidance for measurement procedures used for classification and hazard evaluation of lasers. This document is intended to provide guidance for manufacturers, laser safety officers (LSOs), and trained laser users.
This Recommended Practice provides guidance for optical measurements associated with laser safety requirements. The information contained in this document is intended to assist users who are entrusted with the responsibility of conducting laser hazard evaluations to ensure that appropriate control measures are implemented. It contains clearly written definitions, examples, and other practical information for manufacturers, laser safety officers, technicians, and other trained laser users.
2021 Updates Include:
- Reordered the normative sections to improve the logical flow
- Edited the normative sections to improve clarity
- Refers to ANSI Z136.1 (2014) for Safe Use of Lasers for details on MPEs and classification
- Updated examples to use ANSI Z136.1 (2014) for Safe Use of Lasers
- Added an appendix on safety concerns and considerations
An errata sheet is available free to download for the Z136.4-2021: Errata Sheet for Z136.4-2021 (Issued June 2023)
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View a Sample of this Publication (Includes the Table of Contents)
The standard is designed to be used in conjunction with the ANSI Z136.1 (2022) for Safe Use of Lasers. We have sets available for purchase in either electronic or hardcopy.
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