• ICALEO 2007 Paper #P522 (Laser Pressure Welding of Zn-Coated Steel and Pure Aluminum)

    Laser Pressure Welding of Zn-Coated Steel and Pure Aluminum
    Koji Nishimoto, Anan National College of Technology; Anan, Tokushima Japan
    Yoshihiro Okumoto, Anan National College of Technology; Anan-Shi, Tokushima Japan
    Tomoki Harano, Anan National College of Technology; Anan-Shi, Tokushima Japan
    Hiroo Fujii, Anan National College of Technology; Anan-Shi, Tokushima Japan
    Ken Atagi, Anan National College of Technology; Anan-Shi, Tokushima Japan
    Seiji Katayama, Osaka University; Osaka Japan
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Recently, combinations of dissimilar metals are desired in industrial fields such as transportation, chemical, po...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P523 (Laser Surface Melting of Tool Steels H13, O1 and D6)

    Laser Surface Melting of Tool Steels H13, O1 and D6
    C.T. Kwok, University of Macau; Macau Peoples Republic of China
    H.C. Man, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Kowloon Hong Kong
    F.T. Cheng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; kowloon Hong Kong
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    The surfaces of three hot / cold working steels (WSs),H13, O1 and D6, were laser surface melted by a CW 2.5-kW Nd:YAG laser at a power density of 71.9 W/mm2. Their microstructures were investigated by optical microscopy, SEM and X-ray diffractometry and their corrosion behavior in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution at 25oC was studied by potentiodynamic polarization technique. After LSM, the ferritic matrix...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P526 (Modelling of the Impact of Melt Surface Dynamics on a Photodiode Monitoring Signal in Laser Welding)

    Modelling of the Impact of Melt Surface Dynamics on a Photodiode Monitoring Signal in Laser Welding
    Peter Norman, Luleå University of Technology; Luleå Sweden
    Alexander F.H. Kaplan, Luleå University of Technology; Luleå Sweden
    Hans Engström, Luleå University of Technology; Luleå Sweden
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Today merely a few monitoring systems for in-process detection of laser welding defects are commercially available. Despite a trend towards cameras, the industrially most powerful concept is still a photodiode with optical filter, measuring thermal emissions from the melt surface and from the plasma or laser beam reflections. The monitoring rule f...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P527 (Behaviour of Basalt under Shock-wave Induced by Laser: Application to Planetary Hypervelocity Impact Effect)

    Behaviour of Basalt under Shock-wave Induced by Laser: Application to Planetary Hypervelocity Impact Effect
    Jerome Gattacceca, CNRS/CEREGE; Université Aix-Marseille 3 France
    Laurent Berthe, CNRS/ LALP; Arcueil France
    Natalia Bezaeva, CNRS/CEREGE; Université Aix-Marseille 3 France
    Michel Boustie, CNRS/LCD; ENSMA France
    Pierre Rochette, CEREGE; Université Aix-Marseille 3 France
    Thibaut de Rességuier, Laboratoire de Combustion et de Détonique; Cedex France
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Hypervelocity impacts may play a crucial role in the magnetic records of many extraterrestrial bodies (asteroids, Mars, the Moon...). The und...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P528 (Dimensional and Metallurgical Characterization of Free-Formed Colmonoy 227-F Samples Obtained by Laser Radiation)

    Dimensional and Metallurgical Characterization of Free-Formed Colmonoy 227-F Samples Obtained by Laser Radiation
    Andrea Angelastro, Politecnico Di Bari; Bari Italy
    Antonio Domenico Ludovico, Politecnico Di Bari; Bari Italy
    Giuseppe Casalino, Politecnico Di Bari; Bari Italy
    Sabina Luisa Campanelli, Politecnico Di Bari; Bari Italy
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Direct Laser Metal Deposition (DLMD) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) are actually the most growing techniques in the group of Material Accretion Manufacturing (MAM) processes because of the possibility to fabricate and to repair a wide range of metal components with a complex geometry, starting...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P530 (Laser Rapid Manufacturing at the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, India)

    Laser Rapid Manufacturing at the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, India
    Ashish Kumar Nath, Indian Institute of Technology; Kharagpur India
    Christ Prakash Paul, University of Waterloo; Waterloo ON Canada
    P Ganesh, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology; Indore India
    Pankaj Bhargava, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology; Indore India
    T Raghu, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology; Indore India
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    We have indigenously developed high power transverse flow CW CO2 lasers upto 15 kW at the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT). These lasers have been integrated with 3-axis & 5...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P532 (Diamond Reinforced Metal Coating using Automated Laser Fabrication)

    Diamond Reinforced Metal Coating using Automated Laser Fabrication
    Mehrdad Iravani-Tabrizipour, University of Waterloo; Waterloo ON Canada
    Christ P. Paul, University of Waterloo; Waterloo ON Canada
    Amir Khajepour, University of Waterloo; Waterloo ON Canada
    Stephen Corbin, University of Waterloo; Waterloo ON Canada
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Automated Laser Fabrication is an emerging advanced technology which penetrating in different aspects of manufacturing. This paper reports the automation laser fabrication of low-cost diamond tools. The engineered composition of the diamond and Cu-Sn-Ti are selected to address the issues, like- dissociation of di...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P534 (Induction Heating Unit Equipped with Closed-loop PID Controller; Versatile Tool in Laser Cladding)

    Induction Heating Unit Equipped with Closed-loop PID Controller; Versatile Tool in Laser Cladding
    Jari Tuominen, Tampere University of Technology; Tampere Finland
    Petri Vuoristo, Tampere University of Technology; Tampere Finland
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Mobile induction heating unit equipped with closed-loop PID controller is versatile tool in laser materials processing. In this study well-controllable heat energy induced by magnetic field was utilized to overcome the commonly known problems related to laser cladding. Productivity (kg/h, m2/h) was significantly increased by heating the substrate before and during the cladding or alternatively by heating the clad material b...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P536 (Rapid Fabrication of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Electrodes by Laser Surface Cladding)

    Rapid Fabrication of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Electrodes by Laser Surface Cladding
    Fernando Lusquiños, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Antonio Riveiro, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Rafael Comesaña, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Félix Quintero, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    J. del Val, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Juan Pou, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Under the term rapid prototyping(RP), different production techniques dedicated to the speedy fabrication of sample parts for demonstrations, evaluation or testing can be included. The rapid prototyping based o...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #P537 (Shear Testing of Laser Spotwelds)

    Shear Testing of Laser Spotwelds
    Gerald Knorovsky, Sandia National Laboratories; Albuquerque NM USA
    Jerome Norris, Sandia National Laboratories; Albuquerque NM USA
    Matthew Perricone, R.J. Lee Group; Monroeville PA USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    A shear test was used to investigate the effect of shielding gas (Argon, Nitrogen and none) on the properties of laser spot welds in Fe-28Ni-17Co alloy (Kovar). The load vs. displacement curves obtained, while superficially resembling those of a standard tensile test, were quite non-reproducible, and obscured the differences due to process conditions. Fractographic examination of the samples and analysis of the testing ...


