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  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1303 (Characteristics of High-Aspect Ratio Nanosecond Laser Ablation of Silicon at 355nm Wavelength)

    Characteristics of High-Aspect Ratio Nanosecond Laser Ablation of Silicon at 355nm Wavelength
    Sedao, National Centre for Laser Applications, Nui; Galway Ireland
    Alan Conneely, Ncla; Galway Ireland
    Gerard O'Connor, NCLA; Galway Ireland
    Thomas Glynn, Ncla; Galway Ireland
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    We report on pulsed laser ablation for dicing/scribing monocrystalline silicon with a frequency tripped DPSS Q-switched nanosecond laser (355nm, AVIA, Coherent). Using a Galvanometer scanhead, a laser beam (repetition rate 30 kHz, 140µJ per pulse) was focused down to a 30µm diameter spot on silicon wafer and scanned in single-line mode. A series of slots...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1302 (A Selective Direct Patterning Process of Multilayer using Deep UV Laser)

    A Selective Direct Patterning Process of Multilayer using Deep UV Laser
    D.Y. Kim, LG Electronics ; Kyungki-Do South Korea
    JoongYong An, LG Electronics PERI; Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do South Korea
    Y.M. Jeong, LG Electronics ; Kyungki-Do South Korea
    J.W. Kim, LG Electronics ; Kyungki-Do South Korea
    K.Y. Baek, LG Electronics ; Kyungki-Do South Korea
    H.S. Kang, LG Electronics ; Kyungki-Do South Korea
    S.K. Hong, LG Electronics ; Kyungki-Do South Korea
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    A traditional pattern making processes by exposure process require PR coating, exposure, develop, etching and PR strip. This causes high equ...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1301 (UV Laser Processes for FPCB Cutting)

    UV Laser Processes for FPCB Cutting
    Dongsig Shin, KIMM (Korea Institute of Mechical and Materials); Daejeon South Korea
    Jaehoon Lee, KIMM; Daejeon South Korea
    Yongwoon Chung, KIMM; Daejeon South Korea
    Hyonkee Sohn, KIMM; Daejeon South Korea
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    The application of lasers in the area of microelectronics is growing and diversifying to innovative technologies to enable the increased sophistication of their products. Lasers are employed in manufacturing processes as varied as semiconductor lithography, wafer dicing, and micro-welding via drilling and FPCB cutting. In particular, the laser ablation process is required in sophisticat...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1207 (High Repetition Rate Ultrashort Pulse Picosecond Laser Amplifier)

    High Repetition Rate Ultrashort Pulse Picosecond Laser Amplifier
    Clemens Hoenninger, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
    Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
    Martin Delaigue, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Precision micro machining in an industrial environment demands stable and high performance short pulse laser systems. We demonstrate a laser system with >10 W average output power, pulse repetition rates between 50 and 100 kHz, and a pulse duration close to one picosecond. The compact laser system consists of a short pulse oscillator module and a regenerative amplifier module. The seed pulses of several tens of nanojoules ...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1206 (70-FS Pulses Produced by Parabolic Amplification in a Fiber Laser Amplifier)

    70-FS Pulses Produced by Parabolic Amplification in a Fiber Laser Amplifier
    Yoann Zaouter, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
    D. Papadopoulos, Institut d'Optique; Palaiseau France
    Eric Cormier, Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications; Talence France
    Marc Hanna, Institut d'Optique; Palaiseau France
    Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
    Frederic Druon, Institut d'Optique; Palaiseau France
    Patrick Georges, Institut d'Optique; Palaiseau France
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Femtosecond diode-pumped Yb-doped fiber lasers are very attractive systems for athermal, high speed micromachining. They can produce simulta...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1205 (High Energy, High Repetition Rate Ytterbium Doped Fiber Chirped Pulse Amplifier)

    High Energy, High Repetition Rate Ytterbium Doped Fiber Chirped Pulse Amplifier
    Yoann Zaouter, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
    Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes; Pessac France
    Eric Cormier, Universite Bordeaux 1; Talence France
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    There is an extremely rapidly growing interest in the development of efficient, compact, reliable high repetition rate ultrafast laser sources with high energy per pulse (in excess of a few µJ) with a very high average power (several tens of watts). We report on a laser source which generates sub-picosecond pulses at a 1MHz repetition rate. A high energy, low repetition rate bulk oscillator is seeded in an Ytte...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1204 (High Pulse Energy Excimer Lasers for Nanotechnology)

    High Pulse Energy Excimer Lasers for Nanotechnology
    Ralph Delmdahl, Coherent GmbH; Goettingen Germany
    Vadim Berger, Coherent GmbH; Gottingen Germany
    Hans-Stephan Albrecht, Coherent GmbH; Gottingen Germany
    Rainer Patzel, Coherent GmbH; Gottingen Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Stable, high energy excimer lasers provide pulsed output energies ranging from 50 mJ up to 1000 mJ in the ultraviolet region with photon energies as high as 5 eV (248 nm), 6.3 eV (193 nm) or 7.9 eV (157 nm). Shortest ablation wavelengths strongly couple with every material, deliver highest lateral and depth resolution and significantly reduce the size of particulates in the ...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1203 (Development of a 53-W 343-nm UV Laser for Next Generation Material Processing)

    Development of a 53-W 343-nm UV Laser for Next Generation Material Processing
    Santanu Basu, Sparkle Optics Corporation; Rolling Hills Estates CA USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Drilling of small diameter holes (< 0.2 mm) in thick (> 2 mm) industrial materials require high peak power lasers of single-mode beam quality and at a wavelength that is absorbed by the material. The number of holes drilled per second or the processing throughput increases linearly with the laser average power. In this paper, we will present the results of a rotary disk laser, which is a completely new type of pulsed solid state laser system that produces the ideal combination of high peak power, high average pow...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1202 (Generation of Intense Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiations for Advanced Materials Processing)

    Generation of Intense Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiations for Advanced Materials Processing
    Atushi Yokotani, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
    Masahito Katto, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
    Shoichi Kubodera, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
    Masanori Kaku, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
    Akira Hosotani, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
    Noriaki Miyanaga, ILE, Osaka University; Suita Japan
    Kunioki Mima, ILE, Osaka University; Suita Japan
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    We have been developing high intense vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiations for the advanced applications such as micro and preci...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #M1201 (EUV and Debris Characteristics of a Laser-Produced Tin Plasma using a Colloidal Tin Dioxide Jet Target)

    EUV and Debris Characteristics of a Laser-Produced Tin Plasma using a Colloidal Tin Dioxide Jet Target
    Masahito Katto, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
    Masanori Kaku, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
    Shoichi Kubodera, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Characteristics of emitted particles as well as EUV emissions from a laser-produced tin plasma using a colloidal tin dioxide nano-particle jet target were investigated as a possible EUV lithography light source. By using double nano-second YAG laser pulses with an optimum delay of 100 ns, the EUV conversion efficiency of 1.2% at 13.5 nm was observed. The energy and streng...



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