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  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1601 (High-Power Fiber Laser Welding of Thick Steel at Low Welding Speed)

    High-Power Fiber Laser Welding of Thick Steel at Low Welding Speed
    Xudong Zhang, Hitachi Ltd.; Hitachi-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken Japan
    Eiji Ashida, Hitachi Ltd.; Hitachi-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken Japan
    Masami Mizutani, Osaka University; Osaka Japan
    Seiji Katayama, Osaka University; Osaka Japan
    Xiangjun Luo, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.; Hitachi-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken Japan
    Yusuke Anma, Hitachi-Ge Nuclear Energy, Ltd.; Hitachi-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken Japan
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    For butt-joint welding of thick section structure, low welding speed is preferred in order to get deeper penetration depth, and improve the gap tolerance by avoiding too n...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1507 (Parameter Study and Process Control on Laser Cladding for Direct Manufacturing of 3D Metallic Structures)

    Parameter Study and Process Control on Laser Cladding for Direct Manufacturing of 3D Metallic Structures
    Kevin Verdier, GERAILP; Cedex France
    Mehdi Guiraud, GERAILP; Cedex France
    Pascal Aubry, CEA / GERAILP; Arcueil France
    Thierry Malot, GERAILP; Cedex France
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    This article presents investigations carried out on the generation 3D structures of TA6V or Inconel718. In order to generate 3D complex structure in laser cladding, it is necessary to study the possibility of building materials with a large overhung angle. This can be done by rotation of the substrate or of the nozzle. This article presents results on building structu...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1506 (Development of Monitoring System for Laser Welding System of Thin Stainless Steel Sheets by Waveform Analysis)

    Development of Monitoring System for Laser Welding System of Thin Stainless Steel Sheets by Waveform Analysis
    Masashi Oikawa, Tokyu Car Corporation; Yokohama Japan
    Naoki Kawada, Tokyu Car Corporation; Yokohama Japan
    Hiroyuki Kumehara, Gunma University; Kiryu Japan
    Syunichi Iwaki, Tokyu Car Corporation; Yokohama Japan
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    The method of the quality control in the laser welding system has various techniques. It is necessary to manage not only in-process but also pre-process and post-process for improvement of the welding quality. In this paper, the fault condition sensing technique is proposed by the waveform analysis of the phys...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1504 (Predictive Control for Direct Metal Deposition)

    Predictive Control for Direct Metal Deposition
    Lijun Song, CLAIM, University of Michigan; Ann Arbor MI USA
    Jyoti Mazumder, CLAIM, University of Michigan; Ann Arbor MI USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Direct metal deposition plays an important role in rapid manufacturing geometrically complicated, dense, near net shape components. A large number of parameters are involved in the deposition process. Its present development stagnates in its control. A good understanding of the laser material processing and a well designed controlling system are essential for the system reliability. This paper addresses the development of a linear model based generalized predictive control system ...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1503 (Estimation of Penetration Depth by using Coaxial Image Monitoring during Laser Lap Welding)

    Estimation of Penetration Depth by using Coaxial Image Monitoring during Laser Lap Welding
    Cheolhee Kim, KITECH; Yeonsu-gu Incheon South Korea
    Junghak Kim, KITECH; Incheon South Korea
    Jeonghan Kim, KITECH; Incheon South Korea
    Sehun Rhee, HanYang University; Seoul South Korea
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Laser welding are well-known welding processes applied in the automotive. Because the process monitoring is beneficial for maintaining quality and improving productivity, various monitoring techniques have been proposed for laser welding. In this study, we coaxially monitored the welding phenomena during laser lap welding. Some welding characteristics ...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1502 (Influence of Temporal and Spatial Laser Power Modulation on Melt Pool Dynamics)

    Influence of Temporal and Spatial Laser Power Modulation on Melt Pool Dynamics
    Alexander Olowinsky, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology; Aachen Germany
    Jens Gedicke, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology; Aachen Germany
    Arnold Gillner, Chair of Lasertechnology; Aachen Germany
    Javier Artal, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology; Aachen Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    The reproducibility of laser welded joints in highly reflective materials such as copper and aluminium is a difficult issue. Fluctuating energy deposition resulting from unsteady material and surface properties leads to unreliable processing conditions. The adaptation of...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1501 (Wireless Laser Welding Monitoring for Automotive Application)

    Wireless Laser Welding Monitoring for Automotive Application
    Andrea Terreno, Centro Ricerche FIAT; Orbassano Italy
    Giuseppe D'Angelo, Centro Ricerche FIAT; Orbassano Italy
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    For quality assurance in the manufacture of automotive parts, the integrity of the laser-beam welds joining steel parts must be monitored. A primary concern is to detect weld defects fast, reliably and cost-effectively. Therefore, a considerable number of on-line inspection systems have being developed to improve weld quality and reduce overall costs. All the systems, for monitoring the photonic emissions from the weld pool, adopt measurement schemes in which wired sensors output...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1405 (Parametric Study on CO2 Laser Cutting of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composite)

    Parametric Study on CO2 Laser Cutting of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composite
    Antonio Riveiro, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Blas Gómez, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Félix Quintero, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Fernando Lusquiños, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Juan Pou, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Rafael Comesaña, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites have significant properties such as high specific strength, specific stiffness and easy of tailoring to a particular application, which made them very attractive for structural ...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1404 (Eliminating of Striation in Laser Cutting of Mild Steel)

    Eliminating of Striation in Laser Cutting of Mild Steel
    Mohamed Sobih, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Lin Li, The university of manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Philip Crouse, The university of manchester; manchester Great Britain
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    High-power laser cutting is extensively used in many industrial applications. An important weakness of this process is the formation of striations (regular lines on the cut surface), which affect the quality of the surfaces produced. The elimination of striation is thus of considerable importance, since it could open up a variety of novel high-precision applications. This study pre...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1402 (Reduction of Thermal Damage in FR-4 with Progressive Percussion Drilling)

    Reduction of Thermal Damage in FR-4 with Progressive Percussion Drilling
    Leonard Migliore, Coherent, Inc.; Santa Clara CA USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Glass-epoxy circuit boards (FR-4) may be cut with carbon dioxide lasers. This process is commonly used for separating individual circuits from a larger multi-circuit panel. The cutting process, however, generates substantial amounts of carbonaceous decomposition products, resulting in charring. Charring has the potential to create unwanted conduction paths and makes the edge cosmetically unattractive. Charring may be mitigated by a multipass cutting procedure using pulses spaced apart by several times their diameter. A series of passes w...



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