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  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P537 (Fibre Coupled Diode Laser Welding of Lead Alloy)

    Fibre Coupled Diode Laser Welding of Lead Alloy
    Caroline Decombard, CEA de Valduc; Is-Sur-Tille France
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    To reach the objective of reducing welding distortions, the Nd : YAG pulsed laser is mainly used in the laboratory. But for low melting point materials such as a lead alloy, a lot of molten pool instabilities can occur during laser/matter interaction. Actually, a porosity previously trapped in a solidified fusion zone can explode when it is partially melted by the next laser pulse. To avoid this phenomenon, a fiber (400 µm) coupled CW diode laser (500 W) is tested. To reduce equatorial shrinkage, ...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P536 (Experimental Study of Magnesium and Aluminium Alloys Absorption and Keyhole Evolution during Laser Interaction Nd:YAG Laser Interaction)

    Experimental Study of Magnesium and Aluminium Alloys Absorption and Keyhole Evolution during Laser Interaction Nd:YAG Laser Interaction
    Nicolas Pierron, University of Bourgogne; Le Creusot France
    Pierre Sallamand, University of Bourgogne; France
    Simone Matteï, University of Bourgogne; France
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    In the laser processes such as laser welding and heat surface treatment, the absorption factor of laser Nd: YAG by metals plays an important role. Its evolution depends on many parameters such as temperature or surface conditions. In this paper, we present a method based on the measurement of reflected energy during the laser process, carried...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P533 (On the Fly Cutting of Silicon Ribbon)

    On the Fly Cutting of Silicon Ribbon
    Rob Janoch, Evergreen Solar, Inc.; Marlboro MA USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    To reduce the cost of its String Ribbon © solar panels, Evergreen Solar has developed automated laser cutting equipment that enables cutting silicon ribbon into wafers as it emerges from the growth furnaces. The laser source was chosen based on its ability to produce microcrack-free cuts that result in high yield wafers. The system functional requirements are reviewed, and the design philosophy and design features are discussed. System implementation issues and its current status are presented.


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P532 (Laser Drilling of PET-backed Unfired Ceramic)

    Laser Drilling of PET-backed Unfired Ceramic
    Leonard Migliore, Coherent Laser Group; Santa Clara CA USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Thin (50 to 100 micron) ceramic spacers for multi-layered electronic devices such as flash RAM require large numbers of small via holes drilled in them to perform their function. The preferred hole diameter is currently in the range of 100 microns but is expected to become smaller. These ceramics may be easily drilled prior to firing. So called "green" ceramic is comprised of fine refractory particles in an organic binder. The binder, which burns off during firing, gives the material the consistency of a weak flexible tape. Sheets of green ceramic, consequent...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P530 (Drilling Strategies for Metals with Pulsed YAG Lasers)

    Drilling Strategies for Metals with Pulsed YAG Lasers
    Rene Liebers, LASAG AG; 3602 Thun IL Switzerland
    Lena Trippe, Lehrstuhl für Lasertechnik; Germany
    Ulrich Dürr, LASAG AG; Switzerland
    Wolfgang Schultz, Fraunhofer ILT; Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Laser drilling of metals is widely used to manufacture turbine components (Ni-alloys), microfilters and combustion nozzles (Fe-alloys) at high productivity. However, there are gaps in understanding the productivity of drilling and its relation to product quality. In particular, taper and microstructure suffer from recast and crack formation. Advances in fundamental physical modelling and di...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P529 (The Effects of Laser Forming on Superelastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys)

    The Effects of Laser Forming on Superelastic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
    Andrew J. Birnbaum, Columbia University; New York NY USA
    Y. Lawrence Yao, Columbia University; New York NY USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    This work focuses on application of the laser forming process to NiTi shape memory alloys. While all NiTi shape memory alloys exhibit both superlasticity and the shape memory effect, this study is restricted to a temperature range over which only the superelastic effect will be active. Specifically, this work addresses laser forming induced macroscopic bending deformations, post process residual stress distributions and changes in microstructure. Like traditional ferr...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P527 (The Transition from Qualitative Plexiglas Burn-Ins to Quantitative Electronic Data Acquisition for Beam Diagnostics (Evaluation, Benchmark))

    The Transition from Qualitative Plexiglas Burn-Ins to Quantitative Electronic Data Acquisition for Beam Diagnostics (Evaluation, Benchmark)
    Otto Märten, PRIMES GmbH; Pfungstadt Germany
    Volker Brandl, PRIMES GmbH; Pfungstadt Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Plexiglas burn-ins have been the standard for raw beam analysis of CO2-lasers for a long time. Different beam diameter definitions have been established based on the mechanical dimensions of these Plexiglas burn-ins, usually derived from the diameter at a certain threshold (e. g. full width at 50% or 30% maximum height). These definitions are widely used, especially for service applications, but also in science and engi...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P526 (Numerical Modeling for Embedding of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors within Metallic Structures Using Laser Solid Freeform Fabrication)

    Numerical Modeling for Embedding of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors within Metallic Structures Using Laser Solid Freeform Fabrication
    Ehsan Toyserkani, University of Waterloo; Waterloo ON Canada
    Hamidreza Alemohammad, University of Waterloo; Waterloo ON Canada
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    This paper describes a numerical model for embedding of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors in metallic structures using laser solid freeform fabrication technique. For the characterization of the embedding process, a finite element model is developed for both static and dynamic conditions. The modeling consists of two steps: 1.Development of an engineered protective layer around the fiber optic to...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P525 (Application of SLS Technique in Manufacturing Alkali-Corrosion Resisting Valve Pieces)

    Application of SLS Technique in Manufacturing Alkali-Corrosion Resisting Valve Pieces
    Pengcheng Wang, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology; hohhot Peoples Republic of China
    Fushun Zhu, IMUT; Hohhot Peoples Republic of China
    Junjie Xiao, IMUT; Hohhot Peoples Republic of China
    Xiaocheng Li, IMUT; Hohhot Peoples Republic of China
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    This paper describes the new process that combine selective laser sintering(SLS) technology with direct shell production casting (DSPC). In this method, a casting model is reversed into its foundry shell mould in the software environment, such as Pro...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P524 (Research on Application of DSPC via SLS)

    Research on Application of DSPC via SLS
    Pengcheng Wang, College Materials Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology; hohhot. Peoples Republic of China
    Fushun Zhu, IMUT; Hohhot Peoples Republic of China
    Junjie Xiao, Imut; Hohhot Peoples Republic of China
    Xiaocheng Li, IMUT; Hohhot Peoples Republic of China
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    This paper describes the new process that combine selective laser sintering(SLS) technology with direct shell production casting (DSPC). In this method, a casting model is reversed into its foundry shell mould in the software environment, such as Pro/e, UG or Magics. Then SLS technology is used to s...



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