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  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #M1003 (Improved Picosecond Laser Radiation for Micro-Machining)

    Improved Picosecond Laser Radiation for Micro-Machining
    Thomas Herrmann, Lumera Laser GmbH; Kaiserslautern Germany
    Achim Nebel, Lumera Laser GmbH; Kaiserslautern Germany
    Bernhard Henrich, Lumera Laser GmbH; Kaiserslautern Germany
    Hatim Haloui, Lumera Laser GmbH; Kaiserslautern Germany
    Ralf Knappe, Lumera Laser *GmbH; Kaiserslautern Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Picosecond laser pulses are used to micro-machine virtually any material with highest precision and minimal thermal impact. Best quality has been demonstrated at low fluence removal with pulse energies of a few µJ. Economical throughput is achieved by very high pulse repeti...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #M1002 (Effect of Laser Wavelength on Machining Characteristics of Aluminum Nitride in Micro-boring)

    Effect of Laser Wavelength on Machining Characteristics of Aluminum Nitride in Micro-boring
    Norio KATAOKA, KATAOKA Corporation; Kyoto Japan
    Yasuhiro OKAMOTO, Okayama Univeristy; Okayama Japan
    Yoshiyuki UNO, Okayama Univeristy; Okayama Japan
    Itaru TANINO, Okayama Univeristy; Okayama Japan
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Effect of laser wavelength on machining characteristics of aluminum nitride micro-drilling using harmonics of Nd:YAG laser was experimentally investigated. Drilled depth increased with decreasing the laser wavelength under the same machining condition, since photon energy and absorptivity become higher with decreasing the laser wavelength....


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #M1001 (High Repetition Rate ps- and fs- Lasers for Micromachining)

    High Repetition Rate ps- and fs- Lasers for Micromachining
    Gediminas Raciukaitis, Institute of Physics ; Vilnius Lithuania
    Mikhail Grishin, Ekspla Ltd; Vilnius Lithuania
    Jonas Pocius, Laser Research Center, Vilnius University; Vilnius Lithuania
    Linas Giniunas, Laser Research Center, Vilnius University; Vilnius Lithuania
    Romualdas Danielius, LIght Conversion Ltd.; Vilnikus Lithuania
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Rising demand for efficient laser micro-processing has led to new developments in high repetition rate ultra-short pulse lasers. Laser companies in Lithuania cooperated with the Institute to Physics to develop and demonstrate laser...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #BD601 (Growing Your Business Past the Start-Up)

    Growing Your Business Past the Start-Up

    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Your role in growing your business past the start-up stage. Your business is functioning, customers are buying your product or service, and it appears there is enough of a market out there to grow the business. How do you move to the next level? What are the factors that need to be considered and what decisions need to be made. This talk will discuss the various business stages, transitions, and the founder's business and personal focuses and characteristics that tend to promote success in each stage. Small businesses are built in the image of the founder but that person's working style may not result in a structure that faci...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #905 (The Role of Strong Focusability on the Welding Process)

    The Role of Strong Focusability on the Welding Process
    Jan Weberpals, Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge; Stuttgart Germany
    Friedrich Dausinger, Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge; Stuttgart Germany
    Gunther Göbel, Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik; Dresden Germany
    Berndt Brenner, Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik; Dresden Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Thin disk lasers as well as fibre lasers are distinguished by their strong focusability and high efficiency. With the availability of such laser sources in a high power region, keyhole welding with very small focus diameters down to 50 µm became possible. Typical focus diameter regimes o...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #903 (Humping in Welding with Single-Mode Fiber Lasers)

    Humping in Welding with Single-Mode Fiber Lasers
    Frank Vollertsen, BIAS Bremer Institut fuer angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH; Bremen Germany
    Claus G Thomy, BIAS Bremer Institut fuer angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH; Bremen Germany
    Florian Wagner, BIAS Bremer Institut fuer angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH; Bremen Germany
    Thomas Seefeld, BIAS Bremer Institut fuer angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH; Bremen Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Recent developments have made available single-mode fiber lasers with beam powers up to 1 kW. With these laser systems, it is possible to cover the whole range of micro welding applications from penetrations of several tenths of...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #902 (Phenomena of Welding with High-Power Fiber Laser)

    Phenomena of Welding with High-Power Fiber Laser
    Keisuke Kinoshita, JWRI, Osaka University; Ibaraki Japan
    Masami Mizutani, JWRI, Osaka University; Ibaraki Japan
    Yousuke Kawahito, JWRI, Osaka University; Ibaraki Japan
    Seiji Katayama, JWRI, Osaka University; Ibaraki Japan
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    A fiber laser with high-power density is receiving a great attention as a desirable heat source for the high-speed production of deeply penetrated superior weld beads with narrow width and reduced porosity. Therefore, this study was undertaken to obtain a fundamental knowledge of welding with a 10 kW class fiber laser with high power density. Plume, molte...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #806 (Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Pulsed Laser Grooving Process)

    Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Pulsed Laser Grooving Process
    Aristeidis Stournaras, Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation\Univeristy of Patras; Rion, Patras Greece
    Panagiotis Stavropoulos, Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation\Univeristy of Patras; Rion, Patras Greece
    George Chryssolouris, Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation\Univeristy of Patras; Rion, Patras Greece
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    A theoretical model has been developed for simulating the laser grooving process. It takes into account the interaction among subsequent pulses, the required time for the melting temperature to be reached and the subsequ...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #805 (Experimental and Computational Investigation of Fusion Zone Geometries during Autogenous Keyhole Mode Laser Welds)

    Experimental and Computational Investigation of Fusion Zone Geometries during Autogenous Keyhole Mode Laser Welds
    Rohit Rai, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University; State College PA USA
    Richard Martukanitz, Laser Processing Division, Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University; State College PA USA
    Shawn Kelly, ARL, The Penn State University; State College PA USA
    Tarasankar DebRoy, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University; State College PA USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    In recent years it has become known that the hybrid welding processes involving simulta...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #804 (An Analytical Model of the Combined Powder-Wire Deposition Process)

    An Analytical Model of the Combined Powder-Wire Deposition Process
    Andrew Pinkerton, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Waheed Ul Haq Syed, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Lin Li, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    In the last three years there have been a number of studies of a combined powder and wire deposition process. This technique has been shown to be applicable to a range of metallic materials, to allow
    high deposition rates and to be capable of creating functionally graded structures in a single pass. However, all studies to date have been of an experimental natur...



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