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  • ILSC 2007 Paper #1007 (Filter and Mirror Design for a Micromanipulator used with a Medical Dual Wavelength Laser)

    Filter and Mirror Design for a Micromanipulator used with a Medical Dual Wavelength Laser
    Wolfgang Wöllmer, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf; Hamburg Germany
    Reinhardt Thyzel, A.R.C. Laser GmbH; Nürnberg Germany
    Presented at ILSC 2007

    One of the special properties of lasers is the emission of monochromatic radiation. Filters and mirrors have to provide high coefficients of absorption and/or reflection. Especially for eye safety filters the transient laser radiation must not exceed the MPE. Various medical laser systems on the market today include different lasers and allow a combined application with more than one wavelength.These new developments lead to new...


  • ILSC 2007 Paper #1004 (Another Airway Fire: When Will Such Accidents Cease?)

    Another Airway Fire: When Will Such Accidents Cease?
    Richard Hughes, High-Rez Diagnostics, Inc.; Camino CA USA
    Presented at ILSC 2007

    The information available to the author indicates that the only fatalities resulting from the use of lasers have resulted from medical laser procedures and that endotracheal tube fires occurring during laser surgery have been the most prevalent cause of death and serious injury in the hospital setting. The endotracheal tube fire case presented in this paper is the second such case for which the author has served as an expert witness. The first case was presented at ILSC-2003 and in that paper the question "When will laser-induced airway fires cease?" w...


  • ILSC 2007 Paper #1003 (An Organizational Laser Safety Program at Mayo Clinic in Arizona)

    An Organizational Laser Safety Program at Mayo Clinic in Arizona
    Lewis Wesselius, Mayo Clinic; Scottsdale AZ USA
    Heidi Walton, Mayo Clinic; Scottsdale AZ USA
    Sharli Frederiksen, Mayo Clinic; Scottsdale AZ USA
    Tom Pasquariello, Mayo Clinic; Scottsdale AZ USA
    Kaleeckal Harikumar, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Scottsdale AZ USA
    Lisa Friedman, Mayo Clinic; Scottsdale AZ USA
    Rick Fleeger, Mayo Clinic; Scottsdale AZ USA
    Roshanak Didehban, Mayo Clinic; Scottsdale AZ USA
    Presented at ILSC 2007

    The dedicated Laser Safety Auditor for our organization retired last year. In an effort to meet the need to ...


  • ILSC 2007 Paper #1001 (Safe Use of Lasers in Veterinary Medicine)

    Safe Use of Lasers in Veterinary Medicine
    Kenneth Bartels, Oklahoma State University; Stillwater OK USA
    Thomas Fry, Cascade Veterinary Specialists; Issaquah WA USA
    Presented at ILSC 2007

    Technology in veterinary medicine, including the use of lasers, is expanding, as is the ability of animal owners to support these innovations. Since the use of lasers in the profession of veterinary medicine has grown sharply in the past 10 years, safety concerns for the patient, the veterinarian, and the technical staff are paramount. The American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities (ANSI Z 136.3-2005) is a document used by both state and federal compliance...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #P151 (Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Bovine Cortical Bone)

    Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Bovine Cortical Bone
    Rui Vilar, Instituto Superior Técnico; Lisbon Portugal
    Liliana Cangueiro, Instituto Superior TéCnico; Lisboa Portugal
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    The main purpose of this work was to study the surface topography of bovine femoral bone treated with a femtosecond infrared laser and the changes in the bone structure and composition induced by laser ablation. The laser treatments were carried out using a Yb:KYW chirped-pulse-regenerative amplification laser with a pulse duration of about 500 fs, a wavelength of 1030 nm and fluences ranging from 0.55 to 1.09 J/cm2. The ablation process was monitored in real time by acoustic emis...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #N503 (Three-Dimensional Laser Ablation for Functionalization of Non-Planar Optical Surfaces)

    Three-Dimensional Laser Ablation for Functionalization of Non-Planar Optical Surfaces
    Roman Kleindienst, Technische Universitat Iimenau; Iimenau Germany
    Ronald Kampmann, Technische Universitat Iimenau; Iimenau Germany
    Sebastian Stoebenau, Technische Universitat Iimenau; Iimenau Germany
    Stefan Sinzinger, Technische Universitat Iimenau; Iimenau Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2013



  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #N405 (Mesenchymal Stem Cells Behaviour Onto Femtosecond Laser Textured Ti Alloys)

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells Behaviour Onto Femtosecond Laser Textured Ti Alloys
    Alexandre Cunha, Instituto Superior Tecnico; Lisboa Portugal
    Amelia Almeida, Instituto Superior Tecnico; Lisboa Portugal
    Marie-Christine Durrieu, Université De Bordeaux; Bordeaux France
    Omar Farouk Zouani, Université De Bordeaux; Bordeaux France
    Rui Vilar, Instituto Superior Técnico; Lisbon Portugal
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    Cells are likely to respond to nanostructured biomaterial surfaces because in vivo they live in an extracellular matrix (ECM) with characteristic dimensions at the nano scale and their own surface is structured at this scale. As a result,...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #N403 (Laser Sintering Process of Ag Nanoparticle Based Ink on Polyethylene Terephthalate for Printed Electronics)

    Laser Sintering Process of Ag Nanoparticle Based Ink on Polyethylene Terephthalate for Printed Electronics
    Gnian Cher Lim, Singapore Institite of Manufacturing Technology; Singapore Singapore
    Juan Carlos Hernandez-Castaneda, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology; Singapore Singapore
    Gary Ka Lai Ng, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology; Singapore Singapore
    Lok Boon Keng, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology; Singapore Singapore
    Hong Yu Zheng, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology; Singapore Singapore
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    The sintering of nanoparticle based inks is a key process in the manuf...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #N302 (Laser Fabricated Nanoantennas for Near-Field Applications)

    Laser Fabricated Nanoantennas for Near-Field Applications
    Johannes Finger, Chair for Laser Technology, Rwth Aachen University; Aachen Germany
    Martin Reininghaus, Chair for Laser Technology, Rwth Aachen University; Aachen Germany
    Dirk Wortmann, Chair for Laser Technology, Rwth Aachen University; Aachen Germany
    Zhao Cao, Chair for Laser Technology, Rwth Aachen University; Aachen Germany
    Thomas Taubner, 1. Institute of Physics (Ia), Rwth Aachen University; Aachen Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    By irradiation of thin gold films with single pulses of fs-laser radiation, Gold nanoantennas with heights up to approximately 2 µm and tip...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #N208 (Development of the Variable Pulsewidth Mode-Locked Femtosecond Laser Using Coherent Coupling)

    Development of the Variable Pulsewidth Mode-Locked Femtosecond Laser Using Coherent Coupling
    Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Kinki University; Higashiosaka Osaka Japan
    Minoru Yoshida, Kinki University; Higashiosaka Osaka Japan
    Hiraku Yabuno, Kinki University; Higashiosaka Osaka Japan
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    Passive mode-locked pulse lasers applying erbium-doped fiber have about 100 fs pulsewidth that is near the Fourier-limited pulse. However, femtosecond pulses are often demanded for more longer pulsewidth, because high energy pulses are useful in processing. In this study we develop a continuously variable pulsewidth laser using novel method applying coherent coupling,...



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