Electronic Version
ANSI Z136.3-2024 Coming Soon! |
The ANSI Z136.3 (2018) for Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care is nationally recognized as the definitive document on laser safety in health care environments, providing guidance for the safe use of lasers for diagnostic, cosmetic, preventative and therapeutic applications where bodily structure or function is altered or symptoms are relieved. This standard is applicable to any location where a health care laser system (HCLS) is used as a medical device, including hospital facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, individual medical, dental and veterinarian offices, and non-medical locations, such as salons and spas. It is intended for use by all personnel associated with the installation, operation, calibration, maintenance and service of the HCLS, as well as anyone who might be exposed to laser energy during a health care application procedure. Undeniably a must-have for all medical laser safety officers (MLSOs)!
2018 Updates Include:
- Clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the Laser Safety Officer (LSO), Deputy LSO, Laser Safety Site Contact and Laser Safety Specialist, with additional information regarding these positions discussed in a new normative appendix.
- Introduction of the newly defined Class 1C, intended for laser products used essentially in contact with the skin.
- Greater detail on laser generated airborne contaminants (LGAC) and plume and airborne contaminants (PAC).
- Expanded guidelines for third-party laser rentals.
- More clearly defined control measures; changes to area warnings signage in both design and signal words.
The Z136.3 standard is a proven key to a successful medical laser safety program. It has helped thousands of MLSOs lend credibility to and implement medical laser safety policies and procedures. From MLSO instructor and subject matter expert Leslie Pollard, “When I am asked to make just one suggestion to a healthcare professional with a primary goal to ensure the efficacy and appropriate framework at their facility in order to begin the journey of developing or supporting a thorough and compliant health related laser safety program, that initial suggestion will always be to purchase, read, and understand the latest edition of the ANSI Z136.3.”
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More Information
View a sample of this publication (includes the Table of Contents).
The standard is designed to be used in conjunction with the ANSI Z136.1 (2022) for Safe Use of Lasers. We have sets available for purchase in either electronic or hardcopy.
For site license inquiries, please visit the ANSI website.