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Product Code: ICAL08_M203

Nano-particles of Hydroxyapatite Formed by Underwater Laser Ablation Method
Masahito Katto, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
Yasuhiro Kuroe, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
Atsushi Yokotani, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
Masanori Kaku, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
Shoichi Kubodera, University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
Hirotaka Katayama, Kinki University; Miyazaki Japan
Takeyoshi Nakayama, Kinki University; Higashi-Osaka Japan
Presented at ICALEO 2008

Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a biocompatibility material. We have sucessfully obtained the nano-particles of hydroxyapatite by the underwater laser ablation. A sintered HAp ceramics target was made of commercially available HAp powder and it was placed in the purified water. The focused KrF excimer laser outputs were irradiated on the target surface at the fluence range from 7 J/cm^2 to 23 J/cm^2 at the repetition rate of 100 Hz. We found that the amount of the particles increased in proportional to the laser fluence. However, the rate of content of sub-micron particles was became larger at the lower laser fluence. The particles made by 7J/cm^2 laser ablation were dispersing in the water for 12 hours after stopping the laser irradiation.

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