Product Code: ICA10_M1204

Metal and Stent Cutting using Water Jet-Guided Laser Technology
A. Pauchard, Synova SA; Ecublens
M. Gobet, Synova SA; Ecublens Switzerland
F. Juvet, Synova SA; Ecublens
A. Schreiner, Synova USA; Fremont
Presented at ICALEO 2010

The water jet-guided laser technology has found a broad range of applications in the micromachining field. Its principle is to focus a laser beam into a hair-thin, low-pressure water jet, onto the sample. This hybrid system prevents heat damage to the material by cooling the cutting edges in between the laser pulses; simultaneously the water jet removes the laser generated molten material. Contamination is avoided thanks to a thin water film covering the wafer surface during the cutting process. The perfectly cylindrical water jet yields highly parallel kerf walls.

In this paper experimental results from stent and metal cutting will be presented. A 1064 nm infrared laser was used at 2 kHz to process medical stents. The average power and pulse width were varied from 26 to 35 W and from 50 to 100 ms, respectively.The best sample quality was obtained for lower laser average powers and larger pulse widths. The stent front side is regular and clean, with smooth and even cut walls. No contamination or heat-affected zone were observed. Additional examples of stainless steel cutting of various shapes will be presented, together with hole drilling at an 18°C angle on injection nozzles.

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