Product Code: JLA_24_1_012002

J. M. Sa´nchez-Amaya
Titania, Ensayos y Proyectos Industriales S.L. Parque Tecnolo´gico TecnoBahi´a Edif. RETSE Nave 4. Ctra. Sanlu´car Km 7. 11510, El Puerto de Santa Mari´a, Ca´diz., Spain

Z. Boukha
L. Gonza´lez-Rovira
LABCYP. Departamento de C. Materiales e Ing. Metalu´rgica y Qui´mica Inorga´nica. CASEM. Avda. Repu´blica Saharaui s/n, Puerto Real, 11510. Universidad de Ca´diz., Spain

J. Navas
J. Marti´n-Calleja
Departamento de Qui´mica Fi´sica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Ca´diz. Avda. Repu´blica Saharaui s/n, Puerto Real, 11510. Ca´diz. Spain

F. J. Botana
LABCYP. Departamento de C. Materiales e Ing. Metalu´rgica y Qui´mica Inorga´nica. CASEM. Avda. Repu´blica Saharaui s/n, Puerto Real, 11510. Universidad de Ca´diz., Spain

In the present work, laser texturization treatments have been performed for the first time on aluminum alloys to increase their absorption and weld penetration. Adjusting the experimental conditions, laser texturization increases the roughness and decreases the diffuse and specular reflectance of surfaces. The textured samples were subsequently subjected to bead-on-plate laser weld treatments with a high power diode laser. Taking the weld beads of sandblasted samples as reference, depth improvements percentages around 20% are reached in some textured samples. Laser texturization has demonstrated to increase the weld penetration ability of aluminum alloys, constituting a potential tool to reduce the energetic requirements of the laser welding process.

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