The Laser Institute (LIA), founded in 1968, is the professional society for laser applications and safety. Our mission is to promote the use of lasers and laser safety through education, publications, conferences, and workshops. Through our various programming, we consistently identify solutions to professional challenges by facilitating a collaborative environment for industry partners and experts. At LIA, we leverage our organization’s leading‑edge technologies to deliver highly accessible and impactful solutions to our members, around the world.
At LIA, we believe in the importance of sharing new ideas about lasers. In fact, laser pioneers such as Dr. Arthur Schawlow and Dr. Theodore H. Maiman were among LIA’s original founders who set the stage for our enduring mission to promote laser applications and their safe use through education, training, and symposia. LIA was formed in 1968 by people who represented the heart of the profession—a group of academic scientists, developers, and engineers who were truly passionate about taking an emerging new laser technology and turning it into a viable industry.

Educating the World on Laser Applications and Safety
Today, this unwavering dedication continues to propel LIA as we meet the growing demand for continuing education and safety training. LIA trains more Laser Safety Officers than any other organization in the world. We are also proud to offer flexible and convenient learning options including online, classroom based and onsite training. Laser Institute of America cultivates innovation, ingenuity and inspiration to promote the continued growth and safe use of laser applications.
One of LIA’s signature events is the International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®), which is viewed as the premier source of technical information in the field. Laser safety experts from all over the world meet at the International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC®) and significant impacts on the widespread industrial implementations of laser additive manufacturing continue to be shared at LIA's Laser Additive Manufacturing Workshop (LAM®). Our latest, the Industrial Laser Conference, teaches attendees how to incorporate lasers into your manufacturing processes to stay competitive in the current high-tech market.

Serving the Laser Community
Recognized as the professional society for laser applications and safety, LIA serves industrial, educational, medical, research and government communities across the globe. Our members are comprised of laser researchers, manufacturers, integrators and end users—all working together to increase the use and safe application of laser technologies.
Setting the Standard
To further enhance LIA’s mission of promoting the use of lasers and laser safety, it serves as the administrative sponsor and secretariat for the American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee, Z136 Safe Use of Lasers (ASC Z136), since 1969. These standards constitute the foundation of laser safety programs worldwide.