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  • ILSC 2009 Paper #405 (A Non-binding Guide to the Artificial Optical Radiation Directive)

    A Non-binding Guide to the Artificial Optical Radiation Directive
    John O'Hagan, Health Protection Agency; Didcot Great Britain
    Andy Pearson, Health Protection Agency; Didcot Great Britain
    Marina Khazova, Health Protection Agency; Didcot Great Britain
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union published the Artificial Optical Radiation Directive in April 2006. Member States have until April 2010 to introduce national law implementing the Directive. This Directive is one of a series covering the safety of so-called physical agents: the others cover noise, vibration and electromagnetic fields.

    The Directive requires em...


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #404 (The Development of Association of Laser Users)

    The Development of Association of Laser Users
    Michael Barrett, Pro Laser Consultants; Abingdon Great Britain
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    The Association of Laser Users (AILU) is an independent not-for-profit organisation that was founded in November 1995 by a small group of committed enthusiasts and currently has several hundred corporate members. Although UK-based, the Association is international in outlook and this is reflected in the increasingly internet-based membership benefits. The membership divides almost equally between research organisations, manufacturers and suppliers of laser-related equipment and industrial users (including laser job shops). Its main strength lies in the dis...


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #403 (Progress Towards Safety Standards for Intense Light Sources used in Medical and Aesthetic Practice)

    Progress Towards Safety Standards for Intense Light Sources used in Medical and Aesthetic Practice
    John O'Hagan, Health Protection Agency; Didcot Great Britain
    Marina Khazova, Health Protection Agency; Didcot Great Britain
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    An international manufacturing standard and user guidance for medical lasers have been available for some years. Particularly in the aesthetic sector, intense light sources are being used in place of lasers. This is seen as an option with less regulation in some countries.

    Working Group 4 of the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 76 has drafted a manufacturing standard: IEC 60601-2-57: Medical electric...


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #402 (Status Update for the IEC Series of Laser Safety Standards)

    Status Update for the IEC Series of Laser Safety Standards
    Robert Weiner, Weiner Associates; Manhattan Beach CA USA
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    The IEC TC-76 committee on laser safety has an ongoing program to update and revise the standards in IEC 60825 series to accommodate new information and to cover new devices and applications. This paper will briefly describe recent changes to those documents, as well as some revisions that are being considered for the future.
    Recent changes to be covered include: corrections to the general laser requirements (60825-1:2007); specification of measurement criteria for Hazard Levels for optical fiber systems (60825-2); a revised report on laser ligh...


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #401 (The Aims and Value of Standards)

    The Aims and Value of Standards
    Michael Barrett, Pro Laser Consultants; Abingdon Great Britain
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    Many say that Standards are written by Experts for Experts, others that standards stifle creativity but the production and use of standards play a large and important role in our lives for a wide range of products and services. The major aims of all standards are to give an improvement in the quality of products and services, the quality of the environment and our own personal health and safety, the efficient use of resources and to remove trade barriers between countries. Often standards provide the detail to national legislation but as many are internationally re...


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #304 (Do We Over-state the Risk of Multiple Pulsed Exposures?)

    Do We Over-state the Risk of Multiple Pulsed Exposures?
    David Sliney, David H. Sliney, Ph.D., Consulting Medical Physicist; Fallston MD USA
    David Lund, US Army Medical Research Detachment; San Antonio TX USA
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    Laser safety standards committees have struggled for years to adequately formulate a sound method for treating repetitive-pulse laser exposures. Safety standards for lamps and LEDs have ignored this issue because averaged irradiance appeared to adequately treat the issue for large retinal image sizes and skin exposures. Several authors in recent meetings have questioned the current approach of three conditions as still not sufficient to treat ...


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #303 (Damage Thresholds for Irregularly Pulsed Exposure of the Retina)

    Damage Thresholds for Irregularly Pulsed Exposure of the Retina
    Karl Schulmeister, Austrian Research Centers GmbH; Seibersdorf Austria
    Johannes Husinsky, Austrian Research Centers Gesmbh; A-2444 Seibersdorf Austria
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    Expansion of previously submitted abstract


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #302 (Damage Threshold from Large Retinal Spot Size Repetitive-pulse Laser Exposures)

    Damage Threshold from Large Retinal Spot Size Repetitive-pulse Laser Exposures
    Brian Lund, Northrop Grumman; San Antonio TX USA
    David Lund, Us Army Medical Research Detachment; Brooks City-Base TX USA
    Peter Edsall, Northrop Grumman; San Antonio TX USA
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    We have measured the retinal damage threshold for large spot size, multiple-pulse exposures to a Q-switched, frequency-double Nd:YAG laser (532 nm, 7 ns pulses). A 500 m diameter retinal beam spot was used. The ED50 was determined for exposures to trains of 1, 3, 10, and 100 pulses at a pulse repetition frequency of 10 Hz. The ED50, expressed as the per-pulse energy, varies only weakly...


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #301 (Damage Thresholds for Scanned Exposure of the Retina)

    Damage Thresholds for Scanned Exposure of the Retina
    Karl Schulmeister, Austrian Research Centers GmbH; Seibersdorf Austria
    Bernhard Seiser, Austrian Research Centers Gesmbh; A-2444 Seibersdorf Austria
    Johannes Husinsky, Austrian Research Centers Gesmbh; A-2444 Seibersdorf Austria
    Mathieu Jean, Austrian Research Centers Gesmbh; A-2444 Seibersdorf Austria
    Beate Fekete, Austrian Research Centers Gesmbh; A-2444 Seibersdorf Austria
    Letizia Farmer, Austrian Research Centers Gesmbh; A-2444 Seibersdorf Austria
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    A computer model and bovine retinal explant were used to model thresholds for pulsed and scanned ...


  • ILSC 2009 Paper #204 (Comparison of Afterimage Formation and Temporary Visual Acuity Disturbance after Exposure with Relatively Low Irradiance Levels of Laser and LED Light)

    Comparison of Afterimage Formation and Temporary Visual Acuity Disturbance after Exposure with Relatively Low Irradiance Levels of Laser and LED Light
    Hans-Dieter Reidenbach, Cologne University of Applied Sciences ; Koeln Germany
    Presented at ILSC 2009

    The employer in the European Union has to determine in a risk assessment according to the European Directive on Artificial Optical Radiation whether workers might be exposed above the exposure limit values, which are based on the respective ICNIRP guidelines. In addition, he shall give particular attention to any indirect effects amongst others such as temporary blinding.
    In order to obtain more information on transient effects, which a...



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